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April 10, 2006



I agree with everything you wrote above. When I lived in Israel, I felt the same way. I tried to surround myself with Israeli friends instead of Americans. I understand the need to find comfort when you are a stranger in a strange, new land, but you have to ask yourself why you are there? I am also totally with you on the whole "play date" thing. It's ridiculous. But unfortunately, in these days of both parents working, children over-programmed with activities and neighbors not knowing or trusting each other, it's not like it use to be.

We are lucky, we live in a very close knit townhouse community, where the children do feel free to play outside and join up with other kids who also enjoy that. It's only when we need to drive to other people's homes that we need to "make an appointment"!


Hay Jaime, thanks for understanding. Why did I leave? It's a long story and a big mistake. Somebody wrote someplace that Israelis don't have a plastic wrap on them. I tend to agree. That's what I miss the most; no plastic wraps.


I'm sorry, I didn't mean to direct that towards you, personally. I met that for those who immigrate but don't want to assimilate into the new society(thought total assimilation isn't a good thing either.) I love your writings and your outlook on life.

And btw, that is really a great line about Israelies, though sadly I saw in Israel, as the income grew, the pretentiousness and conformity to American lifestyle and look increased too.

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